Joe Weed Pictures      

Guidelines for scanning photos or documents

    If you, a graphic artist or computer tech are sending us scans of photographs or documents that we are considering for use in a documentary, please follow these scanning requirements carefully. Many thanks!

Here are the two basic requirements....

Please scan --

1.  at 600 dpi, 24-Bit (millions of colors). If your photo is smaller than 5" x 7", please scan at 1200 dpi

2.  in full color. Even if you are scanning a black and white document or photograph, use full-color scanning.

    Following these guidelines results in a very large file size that is not suitable for emailing. This size -- the minimum that can be used for projects destined for the video screen -- is too big for electronic transmission via email. For example, an 8 1/2 by 11 document, when scanned at 600 dpi in 24-Bit (millions of colors) results in a file size of about 100 Megabytes.

Q.  Why such a huge file size?

A.  When images are used in a documentary, we usually need to zoom in closely to certain portions of them in order to illustrate a point or to show a small item with better detail. If the document has been scanned at less than the required size, we can not zoom in to small areas without a significant loss of definition and detail. As a result, we can not use the document. The problem is not the document itself, but the way it was scanned. To ensure that we can use your contribution, please be sure it is scanned  in full color at 600 dpi, 24-bit.

Q.  I can't email scans like this. How do I get them to you?

A.  The best way to get your scans to us is to save them onto a CDR. Place it into a plastic cover, and mail that to us in a padded  mailer. We'll be pleased to reimburse you for your packing and postage if  you're working with us on a project. If you don't have access to shipping materials, please let us know, and we'll send them to you. You can send your CD to us at:

Highland Publishing
PO Box 554
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0554

    If you have any questions about scanning a photo or document for one of our projects, please email or call us at 1-800-354-5580. We'll be happy to answer questions and help!

In advance, we thank you for contributing materials for possible use in our documentaries.